Thursday, April 28, 2011

Karcyn's 2 Year Wrap Up!!! goal was to get this post completed by the end of Karcyn's birthday MONTH of April...think I'm gonna do it:) YAY!!! We've been crazy busy in the Smith Household...but, I wanted to make sure to take some time to write some things about my little Princess #1!

WOW!!! Almost 2 years and a month, Karcyn! My big girl!!! You are such an amazing little girl...I tell your Daddy all the time, sometimes you are such a "baby girl" to me...and sometimes you are such a "big girl" to me! Either are MY LITTLE GIRL and you always will be....I ask you every day, "Are you my Baby?" always say "Yes:)"...and I just love the way you say "Yes" (even if you might not even know what I'm asking;)
I was driving today, out running errands gathering up some essentials for your little sister, and I just got all teary eyed. It really hit me that we have less than 4 weeks together as "Mommy and Daughter"...soon to be "Mommy and Daughters:)"....I can't wait for you to have a little sister...but, I want you to always know how much I cherish our one on one time together, spoiling you, etc...I promise to always make time for you AND your little sister with JUST MOMMY:) I am blessed beyond belief to be your Mom...I find myself just staring at you throughout the day and you make me so so so happy and proud! are a couple "Karcyn facts/Mommy thoughts" along with some of Karcyn's 2 Year pics (all taken by

We had your 2 Year Checkup on April 22nd:

You had 1 immunization (this time in her arm!...such a big girl)
Weight - 26 pounds (50%)
Height - 34 inches (50%)
Head - 49.5 (90-95%)

You love to say "Thank You" (although, when you say it, you say "Da Dook")
You love to brush your crawl up onto your "big girl stool" and say "brush brush" until we hand you your toothbrush
You dislike having ANYTHING on your hands or'll keep saying "towel" until we clean you up!
This month you started sleeping in your big girl room! It's just precious and you've done so well...we are so proud of you! You'll tell us "night night" if you're ok with going to sleep...but, if you're sad, and don't want Mommy and Daddy to leave, you'll say "Byeeeee" and won't look at us:(
For the most part you'll stay in your bed...but, after naptime, you usually get up, turn on lamp, open shutters, turn off sound machine and bring some books into bed to read.
When you leave your room, you tell all your lovey's "Night Night" and "Shhhhh"
You love chapstick! You'll put it on your lips and then rub it on your nose (you seem to always have a "Boo Boo" on your nose that Mommy's trying to keep moisturized.
You love to rock at bedtime.
Your favorite songs to sing are "Wheels on the Bus" (you love wipers going Swish, Horn goes Beep, Babies saying Waaa and Mommy's saying I Love You), Itsy Bitsy Spider and ABC.
You love the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.
You can almost count to 10!
You love to play "Fast and Slow"...will yell FAST and run, or say FAST and want us to sing Fast...then you'll yell SLOW and move very slow or sing slow.
You love bathtime and always want to lay down.
You tell us when you have a "Poopie" diaper and always say "Poo Poo, Pee Pee, It Hurts, Towel" (you've obviously had WAY TOO MANY diaper rashes!)
You're still very picky with eating! You'll usually drink yogurt drinks and will eat most "snack foods".
You just drink water
You've mastered the fake cry when you want to get something out of Mommy and Daddy:)
You love to buckle things
You love to close doors...usually when we leave the room you have to close the door behind you.
You'll ask for food and then point your finger on your tray where you want Mommy to put it (so demanding...diva)
You love to wear sunglasses!
Like to look at yourself in the mirror, in pics, on video and FaceTime with Daddy
You say "I Love You" "Ah Bi Do"
Before meals and at bedtime, you put your hands together and say "Prayers" until we pray...then you say "Amen" and "Love you Jesus" (LOVE!)
When Mommy or Daddy leaves you'll run after us saying "Hugs" with arms open wide...we'll give you a hug and then you give us a kiss...priceless:)
You'll only eat food in it's whole form....what??? Meaning, if you're eating a ritz cracker, you'll only take a bite of it and then you try to put the leftover half back in the won't take a bite if it's just the half!
You love your Big Sister book!
Usually when you sneeze, you sneeze twice (just like Mommy)...and, you say "Bleh Beesh"
You seem to always have a runny nose:( You'll keep saying "NOSE" until we wipe it for you.
Your favorite thing to sleep with now is your little puppy
You're getting your bottom back molars this month...after this, you'll have all your baby teeth!
You get SO excited when you see a can spot them from across the'll run up and say "Baby" with a sweet little grin....then you call every baby "Ma Mas" (for your cousin:)
You LOVE Ma Mas...the two of you will laugh back and forth at each other...we love to hear you giggle!
You love to wrestle!
You've really started to play more with other little school, the park, etc.
You've learned the word "MINE!" this month...oh'll yell MINE about toys and even things that are not yours...we're working on this!
You love craft painting, coloring (well, ripping the paper off the crayons) and playdoh!
You still love sand and playing in water
You kiss your own Boo Boos...then you'll point them out to Mommy and have me kiss them
You usually wake up around 7:30 a.m.
We do breakfast, school, play, etc
12:00 Lunchtime
1:00 p.m. naptime (we aim for 2 hours...don't usually get this:()
Dinner around 5 p.m.
7:00 p.m. Bathtime and bedtime routine
7:45 p.m. - Night Night time

We love you so much Karcyn! I can't wait to see you as a Big Sister! You'll be and your sister are BOTH so blessed to have each other!

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